Check out this Steamship Circus promo video from Cirque De La Quirk. The audio track is “Rising ft. Mazrah” from our EP “July”
Listen to the EP in full here:
Brass, Bass & Awesome Analog
Check out this Steamship Circus promo video from Cirque De La Quirk. The audio track is “Rising ft. Mazrah” from our EP “July”
Listen to the EP in full here:
10 months in the making, incredible performances from all featured artists, tracked on the road, mastered using solar power. With great pleasure, here is my latest EP
So many incredible memories from this festival. Media is constantly being added on the Cirque facebook here
I was there for build, two DJ sets, and break.
Click the thumbnails below to view my album on facebook
Molly and Hannah took me to Shindig, it was N U T S .
Only managed to get a few pics, check ’em out here
Musical Highlights:
I still play this tune out almost every set! There is nothing subtle about the production. I think this was the first tune I used the Moog on, running off solar power in the van!
Such an amazing collection of talent on this EP! I’m writing this in retrospect while updating the new website and gotta says it was a pleasuring working with everyone on this release. I will always treasure the memories of working my way round Europe recording with musicians in every city.
A nice upbeat mid tempo/glitch/swing mix
This EP really kick started our live collaborations, we were immediately playing all over the place. Hats off to Leo Wood for some stellar vocal performances.